Event- and record rules
Axle deadlift, max:
The axle must be un-knurled and smooth and manufactored professionally (for example Ironmind).
Diameter 50mm.
Double over hand grip with thumbs over the bar. So called thumbless grip (monkey grip) and hook grip are not allowed.
The athlete has 30 seconds time limit to lift the bar from the ground to the approved deadlifting final stance with legs/hips/back straight, shoulders back. Lifting belts and suit is allowed. Supporting the bar during the lift with thighs is not allowed and after the down-signla the athlete must lower the bar to the ground in a way, that the grip remains on the bar until the weights are touching the ground.
One arm deadlift, max:
The athlete lifts the bar from the ground with one hand (hook grip allowed) to the final stance of the deadlift. Before the down-signal the legs must be straight and the weights can not touch the ground. In the final stance, the upper body is allowed to be in twisted position.
During the lift, the bar must be in front of the legs and the lift must raise up to the final stance on going. After the down-signal, the grip remains on the bar until the weights are touching the ground for an approved lift.
Belts and/or suit is allowed.
The bar used for the lift is normal weight- or powerlifting with minimum diameter of 27mm.
Ironmind Silver Bulleet
Official Ironmind rules: SILVER BULLET RULES.
Ironmind Hub
Official Ironmind rules: HUB RULES
Ironmind Little Big Horn
Official Ironmind rules: LBH RULES
Ironmind Blockbuster Pinch Block
Official Ironmind rules: PINCH BLOCK RULES
Ironmind Rolling Thunder
Official Ironmind rules: RT RULES
Scale press
The scale press records are registered only in WHEA competitions with the official WHEA competition scale.
Saxon bar 80mm (WHEA)
The records are only registered with WHEA competitions Saxon bar with 80mm side width.
Strongest events
In WHEA competitions the below mentioned rules must be in use and the rules are counted to the WHEA records if the competition is judged by a referee, who has done the WHEA referee education course.
Deadlift events
– The organizer choose last man/woman standing or 3 lift raising bar competition (the weight goes up all the time). If needed, different weigth categories can lift in the same heat, but womens and mens classes must be separatet. Deadlift competition can also be about maximum reps.
– Deadlift (and squat) suits and sumo stance are not allowed (the hand must be outside of the legs in all lifts). Power- or weigthlifting belt and 1 neoprene belt under it is allowed, but for example the use of 2 powerlifting belts is not allowed.
– The equipment is normal 220cm / 25-29mm powerlifting bar, which have at least 670kg limit from the manufacturer. In axle and other than normal height lifts the barbell length / thickness may vary, but the mathematic limit must be at least 670kg. The axle standard diameter is 50mm.
– Magnesium (chalk) is the only approved grip aid. Normal straps and versas are ok, but 8-straps are not allowed. In Axle lifts (DOH) straps and other grip support materials are not allowed. In axle deadlift the grip is double over hand with thumbs over the axle.
– Once the bar is ready, the athlete has 30 second time to perform the lift unless the referee tells to wait (for example tv filming).
– During the lift the bar may come down and then go back upwards and thigh support is allowed, but if the weights are touching the ground before the down signal the lift is failed.
– In the approved final stance the athlete stands straight (legs, hips and back straight, shoulders back).
– Once the athlete has kept the approved final stance for approx 1 second, the referee gives the down signal with the hand or in verbal.
– After the down-signal the athlete must remain the grip on the bar until the weights have touched the ground. If the grip is loose before the weights are touching the ground – the lift is failed.
– The bar raises with 10kg in the 3 lift competition (the athlete chooses the weigths he/she lifts) until there is max. 3 athletes per class remaining. After that the raises are 5kg. In the record lifts the raise can be 2.5kg. In the last man/woman events the round raises can be more than 10kg also and in last man/woman competitions every athlete needs to lift every round and if not succeeding, the athlete drops out.
– In case of attempting national or world record, the athlete may ask for a 4th lift, but it won´t be calculated to the competition points.
Overhead lifts
– The organizer chooses last man/woman standing or 3 lift raising bar competition (the weight goes up all the time). If needed, different weigth categories can lift in the same heat, but womens and mens classes must be separatet. Overhead lift competition can also be about maximum reps.
– Tacky etc grip aid (except magnesium) is not allowed in the shirt or above the hips. The rubber shirt is not allowed in any WHEA competitions.
– The belt buckle must be on the side or back and the use of “belt-ring” is not allowed. The belt can not be weared too loose in a way, that cleaning the apparatus could be helped via it. No extra materials like towel etc is allowed between the belt and the athlete/competition shirt.
– Once the bar is ready, the athlete has 30 second time to perform the lift unless the referee tells to wait (for example tv filming). In reps, the time limit is 60-90 seconds depending on the organizers choice and the time limit starts from the referees mark. If the referee allows, the athlete can have the grip ready on the equipment before the mark, but the equipment can not move.
– During the lift the bar may come down and then go back upwards and thigh support is allowed, but if the weights are touching the ground before the down signal the lift is failed.
– Once the athlete has kept the approved final stance for approx 1 second, the referee gives the down signal with the hand or in verbal.
– The apparatus can not touch any part of the athletes head over the chin in any part of the lift of the lift is failed.
he bar raises with 5- 10kg in the 3 lift competition (the athlete chooses the weigths he/she lifts) until there is max. 3 athletes per class remaining. After that the raises are 2,5-5kg. In the record lifts the raise can be 1 kg. In the last man/woman events the round raises can be more than 10kg also and in last man/woman competitions every athlete needs to lift every round and if not succeeding, the athlete drops out.
– In case of attempting national or world record, the athlete may ask for a 4th lift, but it won´t be calculated to the competition points.
– Event specificated rules:
In the axle overhead the apparatus can not touch the athletes belt in any part of the lift. In the dumbbell lift the apparatus can be dropped forward under control to a show landing space – if the apparatus drops behind the athlete, the lift if failed.
In the dumbbell lift the supporting hand must be clearly off from the apparatus before the movement up starts from the shoulder. In the top position the athlete must keep the apparatus in control for at least 1 second before the down signal..
– In the log lift the log diameter is 25-30cm (10-12″). The handles may have knurling and the thickness of the handless can be 28-32mm. The handles must be 58-68cm apart from each other. The minimum length of the log body without the plate holders is 100cm and the maximum overall length is 220cm. The logs must be manufactured professionally from iron and the iron wall thickness must be in minimum of 4mm. The log can not have any grip support material around its body – for example sport tape.
In case of wooden logs, these measurements may vary. The WHEA log records are counted only with the logs filling these standards for iron logs.
Walking events
In the events like yoke, farmers walk, conan, husafell etc, where max distance or fastest time for a certain distance is used the below mentioned rules are in effect under the WHEA sacntioned competitions.
Max distance events.
– Magnesium (chalk) is the only approved grip help, max 7mm neoprene supports and normal belts and equipment are allowed.
– When the athlete name has been announced and the referee has given the start command, the athlete has 30 seconds time to start the event.
– In the starting area, there is 1 meter space where you can put the equipment down and pick up again, but if any part of the apparatus or the athlete is passing the start line the performance is started and when any part of the apparatus is touching the ground, the performance is over and measured.
– The distance is measured from the starting line (or from the turning point) to the nearest point of the apparatus.
– The apparatus can not be pushed or slided in the ground. The distance is measured from the spot, where the apparatus is touching the ground for the first time.
– The belt buckle must be on the side or on the back and the apparatus can not be held on any support gear (like belt buckle).
– The distance is mearued in metres with 1 cm accurady (yards, feets ,inches ok also) and the longest distance wins.
Timed events
– The athlete starts the event from the referees signal and from the same signal the timing is started. It is recommend to use back-up timer, specially if the referee is timing an event.
– Before the start, the athlete has 30 second time to prepare once the “bar is ready” and the athlete name has been announced. After this the referee tells “ready” and after 2-3 seconds from the gives the “start” order with whistle or verbally.
– Fastest time wins. If the athlete can not perform the full distance, the distance is measured and the traveled distance is in effect to place the order of athlete behing the full distance results.
– Time limit 60 seconds.
– The ahtlete may drop and lift the apparatus as many times as wanted during the time limit.
– If there is a turn(s), The turn must be done by lowering the apparatus to the ground and lifting it up again after the athlete has turned. So, in the time event the athlete is not allowed to turn with the apparatus unless separately mentioned by the competition rules.
– The time ends once the whole apparatus has been moved over the line and the time is taken with 0,01 second differences. In special cases, due small competition area, the referee can decide before the event, that the event is judged by “breaking the line”.
Other event rules / standards
– In any event, the time limit must be 60-90 seconds (except max distance events).
– The farmers walk handles total length can be 120-140cm, the pick-up height 42-48cm and the handle diameter 28-32mm.
– In the yoke apparatus the height of the bar must have approx 5cm changing opportunity between the heights of 100-160cm.
– The athlete (self) must be ready for the own turn of performance in each event during the competition. If the athlete is not ready to start the event during 60 seconds from the calling of the athletes name / bar is ready, the performance is judged failed from that event.
– Atlas stones, tire flip and loading are the only events, where the use of tacky is allowd unless specially told in the competition rules, that the event is done with magnesium (chalk) only.
– In any grip event, the use of liquid chalk is not allowed.
– In truck pull or similar pulling events at least 1 official must resist the apparatus from moving before the start command, so the athlete gets the best possible situation for the start during teh preparatin time.
– In the events, there a rope is used the rope must be 30-50mm thick and it´s length must exceed the pulling distance with at least of 3 meters, so it can be connected and assisted well.
– In the tire flip, the tire must stand up in the start and the counting of the flips is started once the tire has been pushed down and then flipped fully. After the last flip, the time ends once the tire is hitting the ground. If the athlete can not perform full amount of flips, the number of flips is counted without timing.
– In the events, where the equipment is lifted to a platform, the equipment must be fully on the platform after (after the grip is out) for the time to end.
– In the stone lifting or other loading event, with the referees choice there can be timing for 2nd and 3rd last apparatus and in this case it will be the divider of the points if all objects are not lifted. If the performance is less than 3 objects, the number of lifts can be used as results without timing.
– If the equipment is broken during the performance or the performance is stopped or clearly is prevented, the referee must allow the athlete for a new attempt as a last performance in the class with repaired equipment. If the equipment can not be repaired or the event is stopped by the referee due secutiry reasons, the event and its points must be reduced from the competition points.
– The referee has always the right to terminate an event in any point due security. For example if it raining too much (in outside competition) the slippery can cause too much risk for injuries and it is a reason to to stop the event.
The stopped event can be taken to the end later if possible, but if that is not possible due the sircumstances, the event is taken away from the competition results. .
– The referee has the right to stop and individual performance, if the athlete is hurt and aims to continue the performance with risk of more severe injuries. The referee can stop the performance and order the athlete to withdraw from the competition.
– If the athlete passes out during the competition, the referee must stop the competitor to continue the competition unless the athlete is not doing it itself. The athlete has no right to protest the order of withdrawn if the reason is passing out or other injury.
– The other rights for referee is told in the WHEA dicipline rules.
– In WHEA events unsportsmanship behavior or violations of WHEA ethical rules are not allowed.