Association rules

World Heavy Events Association rules

1§ Association name and home city.

The name of the association is World Heavy Events Association and it´s home city is Hämeenlinna, Finland.

2§ Meaning and function

The meaning of World Heavy Events Association is to forward, monitor and develop the popularity of different strength events and distribute competition- and hobby actions locally, nationally and internationally. To forward the interest towards health by doing anti-doping work in strength events, by offering opportunities to train and compete in strength events without intoxicants, without doping substances or methods.

To fulfill it´s meaning the association:

> organizes training and coaching happenings.
> gives education.
> fulfills competitions, exhibitions, courses and parties.
> get equipment for association use.
> admin own webpages
> make own publications
> organize trips, which are related to association meaning to it´s members
> take part to direct costs of the association members competition trips.

To support the action, the association can:

> after getting proper license, if needed – to fulfill fundraising and lottery.
> own chattel and fixed assets, which are related to it´s actions.
> sell advertisement space and make sponsor deals.
> run servings in it´s happenings.
> make small scale volunteering work.
> to receive gifts and testaments.
> to act international and national roof federation for the events it represent.

3§ Members
As an actual member of the association, a person or registered association can be accepted if the applicator accepts the meaning of the association.
As a support member of the association, a person, company or competent community can be accepted, if the applicator wants to support the meaning and action of the association.
The members are accepted by the board of the association.
As a honorary chairman or honorary member can be accepted in the meeting of the association from the board´s proposal, if the person has marketably forwarded and supported the actions of the association.

4§ Rights of a member
In the association yearly meeting each actual member (competitor member), honorary chairman and honorary member has one vote. Support member has the right to participate and speak in the meeting, but no right to vote.
The actual member (competitor member) can take part to the competitions, which are organized by the association if the member has paid his membership and committed to the anti-doping contract.

5§ Duties of a member
Actual member has the duty to pay joining fee and yearly membership fee
Support member has the duty to pay joining fee and yearly membership fee
Honorary chairman and honorary member don´t have joining- or membership fees.

6§ Secession of a member
A member has the right to resign from the association by written it to the board or chairman or informing it at the meeting with a note to the meeting protocol.

7§ Removing of a member
The board can remove a member from the association, if the member has not paid his due fees or have otherwise passed the duties he/she have committed by joining to the association or have conducted or harmed the association in a way in the association or outside of it in a way, that he/she don´t fulfill the rules of the memberships mentioned in the law or rules .

8§ Administration of the association
The decision making power of the association is used in the association meeting. The board includes the chairman and two members. The board chooses from among or outside the fund manager, secretary and other needed officials. The chairman´s and members term is six years.

9§ Signing the association name
The name of association (proxy) is signed the chairman alone.

10§ Financial year
The financial year of the association is calendar year.

11§ Examination of accounts
The financial statement with needed documents along with the board´s annual report has to be given to the auditor(s) at least one month prior the meeting, where the statement is verified. The auditor(s) need to give their written statement to the board at least two weeks prior the meeting.

12§ Meetings of the association
The association held yearly one actual meeting in January – May.
The following things are dealt:

Opening of the meeting.
Choosing the meeting chairman, secretary, two proceeding inspector and if needed two voting counters.
Noticing the legality and quorum of the meeting.
Accepting the procedure of the meeting.
The financial statement and annual reports and the statement are shown.E
Confirmation of hhe financial statement and mooting the freedom of responsibility to the board and other persons in charge.
Verification of the action plan and budget.
Verification of the amount for joining- and members fees for actual and support members.
Electing the board by §8. (every 6th year; 2028, 2034…)
Choosing one or two auditors to check the accounts of ongoing financial year.
Dealing the other things mentioned in the meeting invitation.

If the association member wants to have some case to be sealed in the yearly meeting, it has to be informed to the board in written so early, that it can be included to the meeting invitation.

13§ Order of decision making
The judgement of the meeting is the opinion what is supporter over half of the votes, unless otherwise ordered in the rules.
If the amount of votes is equal, the meeting chairman´s vote rules except in elections a lot.

14§ Extra meeting.
Extra meeting is held, when the yearly meeting decides or the board sees ground for it or at least 1/10 of the voting righted members are insisting it for specially for some case what it informed to the board in written.
The meeting must be held during thirty days, when the demands has present to the board.

15§ The manner of meeting invitation
Board must summon the association meeting at least 7 days prior the meeting – via letter or email to the address the member have informed.

16§ Changing the rules
Decision in changing the rules must be done in the association meeting with at least majority of 3/4 of given votes.

17§ Demolition of the association
Decision of the association demolition must be done in the association meeting with at least majority of 3/4 of given votes.
In the meeting invitation the demolition of the association must be mentioned.
If the association is demolished, the funds of the association must be aim to the furthering the meaning of the association in a way the meeting orders.

18§ Specifications subordinate to the rules.
The association member is committed to obey WADA´s, World Heavy Events Association´s and it´s national federations, the members NADOs and International Olympic committees anti-doping rules, which are valid at any given time.
Doping violations and sanctions to the association members are specified in the above mentioned anti-doping rules.

Doping violations are:
Forbidden substance or proof of use of forbidden method in the sample taken from the athletes body.
Use or attempt to use forbidden substance or method.
Avoidance of doping monitoring or default of obligation to declare.
Manipulating the doping test.
Occupancy of doping substances.
Distributing of doping substances- and methods.
Forwarding doping.

As a sanctions from doping violation can be ordained:
Disqualification of the competition result
Disqualification of the results of sports results.
Ban in sports actions
Written warning.

The member of the association may end up to substitute the damages to the team, national federation and/or World Heavy Events Association.

Against the ethics of the sports are:

Using the substances, which are unfamiliar in sports.
Using or forwarding drugs and doping substances.
Public, disturbing appearance under the influence of alcohol.
Mismatching smoking or tobacco products to sport situations.
Flippant behavior in competition- or training situations.
Violence, coarse language and flippant criticism, bluffing the referee and other tricking of the rules.

Sport hoax:
Manipulating the competition place- or equipment.
Agreements about the results priorly.

Betting about own competition.

Bribing or attempting to briber referees, other competitors, coaches or official to manipulate the results.

Sexual harassment.

Behavior or actions against the ethical principles in sports, the sanction is decided by the association as it is written in the association rules or in the competition rules, however maximum of two years ban in sport actions.

The board decides also about other disciplinary actions and sanctions, which are given in contact of them, when obeying the association rules and specifications. The board also handles all rule violatins and acts as hearing and appeal body in accordance with the WHEA anti-doping rules.

World Heavy Events Association or it´s national federation can decide to the member of team or association or federation about the sanction and other discipline actions due doping violation by the ways confirmed in the anti-doping rules, rules or specifications subordinate to the rules.

The decision is valid directly and it is seen to be informed to the person in case five days after the decision is send in written letter.

The one, who has been separated don´t have the right to demand payback about the fees the person has paid to the association or federation.

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